How to Help
Get TNR certified
Neighborhood Cats, in partnership with Community Cats Podcast, hosts a virtual TNR course
Registration is $10
Offered monthly
Donate money and/or time to a local rescue or community cat organization
Support affordable clinics like:
Brooklyn Bridge Animal Welfare Clinic (veterinary office of Brooklyn Cat Café)
The Toby Project (mobile veterinary services in NYC)
Get involved:
Volunteer with a local rescue or community cat organization
Hell’s Kitchen–based Urban Cat League, or Hard Hat Cats, for example
Connect with organizers like NYC Cat Rescuer Alliance and Voters for Animal Rights (VFAR) to find out local actions to support independent rescuers and rescue organizations, such as the Sept. 2024 City Council Hearing
Contact your community board member to discuss issues
Spread the word! Participate in public education about the issue:
Help the Cat Museum of New York City launch: its mission is to educate the public about cats and issues affecting them through art and events; resources available at
Tell people you know who care about cats about the overpopulation crisis and resources for affordable veterinary care
Read and share media about the cat overpopulation crisis, such as the 2023 New York Times article about 500,000 stray cats in NYC