The Cat Museum of New York City’s executive founding director Jenny Pierson writes in W42ST about becoming an NYC cat history tour guide for Cats About Town Tours during research for CMNYC. (2/1/25)
“From Cat Lover to City Guide: How Jenny Pierson Earned Her NYC Sightseeing License”
Brad Thomas Parsons of Distillery Cats writes about a meet-up among the Cat Museum of New York City’s executive founding director Jenny Pierson, expert NYC cat rescuer Sheila Massey of Hard Hat Cats, and NYC animal rescue historian/Kings County Distillery tour guide Rick Kelaher, who organized the meeting. Also featured are Kings County Distillery’s current rescued working cats Harold and Maude—as well as an ode to the distillery’s original working cat pair, Carlos and Jeffy, featured in Parson’s book Distillery Cats. (2/18/25)
“A Visit to Kings County Distillery: Come for the Whiskey, Stay for the Distillery Cats”
Full Article:
“Rick Kelaher... also invited two other NYC cat enthusiasts, Jenny Pierson of The Cat Museum of New York City, and Sheila Massey, founder of Hard Hat Cats.
“Pierson, an editor and freelance book publishing consultant, is a TNR-certified (Trap-Neuter-Return) volunteer and the Founding Executive Director of the Cat Museum of New York City, a proposed brick-and-mortar space which plans to curate and feature cat art exhibitions and educational programming to connect the public with the community of those dedicated to caring for cats (here’s her own rescue cat Churro). Pierson is also a certified New York City Sightseeing Guide and will be working this spring with Cats About Town Walking Tours, which offers historical cat tours in Brooklyn Heights (who wants to join me?!), the Financial District (which Pierson will lead), and the Lower East Side.
“Massey’s TNR work with feral cats across New York City inspired her to create the non-profit organization Hard Hat Cats, which is dedicated to cat rescue and the elimination of rat poison by helping place feral and stray cats from the city animal shelter system in steady “jobs” at breweries, distilleries, hotels, shops, and gardens where the cats live healthy, independent lives doing what they do best: non-toxic pest control. Just look at this lineup of cats with a new lease on life thanks to Massey (she was also responsible for landing gainful employment for Harold and Maude at Kings County Distillery).
“Kelaher made a point to thank Massey from Hard Hat Cats for connecting the distillery with Harold and Maude, and securing full-time employment at Kings County Distillery. Massey shared that the two cats had been rescued from a hoarding situation and due their feral nature were deemed “unadoptable” and would very likely be euthanized. But through Hard Hat Cats the pair a reprieve and a new lease on life and Massey was truly touched to see how much the cats have become more socialized since joining the team, proving that life is all about second chances (and hanging on to a few of those precious nine lives).”
Watch more of Sheila Massey’s work for Hard Hat Cats in this video about working cats for News 12:
Catbaret producer Gemma Smith praises the Cat Museum of New York City on the podcast “Cattitude” with host Michelle Fern. (1/30/25)
“Cattitude - Episode 263 Life Is A Catbaret!”
Episode (mention of CMNYC is at 11:26):
The Cat Museum of New York City’s executive founding director Jenny Pierson writes in W42ST about the New York City Council Committee on Health’s oversight hearing on “The State of Animal Rescue in New York City” on September 13, 2024, which included testimony by 150 rescuers about the cat overpopulation crisis. She also highlights a success story in her neighborhood of Hell’s Kitchen by the neighborhood cat rescue group Urban Cat League. (9/16/24)
“Rising Vet Bills Threaten Decades-Long Work of Hell’s Kitchen Cat Rescuers”
NBC New York’s Linda Gaudino interviews our founding executive director Jenny Pierson about JD Vance’s comments disparaging “childless cat ladies” (we prefer the term child-free!). Speaking in a personal capacity, she explains why she doesn’t agree with his attempt at clarification.
“New Yorkers Embrace Cats as a Political Symbol”
NBC New York’s Linda Gaudino interviews our founding executive director Jenny Pierson about planning the Cat Museum of NYC during a Cats About Town tour of historic cat tales in Brooklyn Heights
“New NYC Walking Tour Aims to Capture Cat Lovers and History Buffs”
Art BreakOUT blog reports on the Cat Museum of NYC’s first pop-up event, including praise for NYC-based featured artist Milka Montero
“A Purr-fect Night at The Cat Museum of New York City Pop-Up Event”
Art BreakOUT blog post:
Display featuring artwork by Milka Montero: “The Huntress” (large oil painting with green) and “The Tigress” (4”x6” print).
Photo by Cindy Trinh.
Museum director Jenny Pierson and her rescue cat Churro’s story, featured on Girls and Their Cats (5/11/23)
GATC blog post:
GATC Instagram:
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